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  • Writer's pictureTara Kalavista

Eagle River, Michigan

There are two Eagle Rivers in my neck of the woods, but only one has an epic waterfall.

Ah, the Keweenaw ... anyone who knows the area will tell you that the Keweenaw Peninsula is one of the most gorgeous places to visit. It's known for epic mountain bike trails up at the northern tip, by Copper Harbor; for wild back country skiing at Mount Bohemia; and the haunting abandoned copper mines near Houghton and Hancock.

When you cross the highway over Eagle River Falls, you know Copper Harbor isn't far away.

Eagle River, Michigan, is not to be confused with Eagle River, Wisconsin. The UP variant has a historic courthouse, a bridge overlooking the falls, and tiny inn on the shore of Lake Superior - and that's about it.

The Wisconsin Eagle River is a whole different blog post - it's wonderful in a completely different way. ER MI is, for most, a scenic stopover on the way to Copper Harbor, and its falls are one of the many beauties of the Keweenaw.

For those interested in visiting, Eagle River MI is a short drive off US Highway 41.


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